We're in the process of migrating our cPanel VPS over to new hardware. We apologize for any slowness or connectivity issues you might experience during this migration. Nothing will change from your perspective and the outage should be no more than a few minutes at most. The new hardware has more RAM, faster and more CPUs, and faster hard drives so this should improve performance significantly especially during the nightly backups. We were going to schedule this for next week but we had a drive failure on the current hardware so instead of ordering a new drive we've decided to migrate the VPS instead (this drive was replaced two weeks ago for the 3rd time in a year so we think the RAID controller might be bad also).

Luckily this is one of the reasons why we decided to make our cPanel server a VPS (with access to all of the CPUs and RAM) so it's easy to migrate between hardware with only minimal downtime.

-The Secure Dragon Staff

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

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