Our Portland data center has been reporting additional connectivity issues as a continuation of the issues experienced earlier this week. Here is the information they have provided us so far in regards to the previous outage which still appears to be applicable to the packet loss we are experiencing now:At 11:15pm last night we experienced a loss ... לקריאה נוספת »
Tonight at approximately 23:15:49 GMT-7.0 our Portland data center experienced a network outage. Our data center provided the following information about the outage that they received from their transport provider:We are investigating a possible fiber cut on the route from Tacoma to Portland. We have opened a ticket with our underlying ... לקריאה נוספת »
Our Portland location has added yet another bandwidth carrier to their mix allowing for both better connectivity and performance, while also increasing their DDOS Protection capacity. We hope clients will be able to see a performance difference with this new addition and we're happy to hear any feedback you might have (both good and bad). Thank ... לקריאה נוספת »
We received alerts that our servers in Denver are not accessible at this time. We are waiting to hear back from our datacenter regarding this but it appears this is a datacenter-wide outage and not specific to our servers. We will provide more information as it becomes available to us.RESOLVED @ 00:50AM EST - It appears the problem was power ... לקריאה נוספת »