HOW TO: Installing an OS on a KVM VPS

Here's a quick and easy guide to installing an OS on your new KVM VPS from an ISO:

  1. Open up your VPS in Wyvern.
  2. Unmount the SystemRescueCD.
  3. Mount the ISO of the OS you wish to install.
  4. Using your VNC client of choice, login to the Console using the information found in the Console tab in Wyvern (if you get a blank screen, click inside the VNC window and hit some keys on your keyboard to "wake" it up).
  5. Once logged in you should be booted up into the new ISO, you will install the OS like you would a regular server (it's advised you configure the network during install if the OS has the option).
  6. After installing the OS on you VPS click the Stop button if the ISO does not power off your VPS for you.
  7. Unmount the ISO (unless it's needed for further configuration like installing the virtio network driver in Windows).
  8. Change the Boot Device to Disk Drive.
  9. If you did not setup your network during the install use the Console to configure your network with the IP information found in the IPv4 and IPv6 tabs in Wyvern.

And that's it! If you run into any issues with the ISOs or would like a different OS than what is available please open a ticket with our Support department.

If you are installing a Windows OS please also read these KB articles:

You also have the ability to change your disk and network drivers to IDE or Intel's E1000 respectively if the ISO does not include drivers for virtio (most Linux distros support virtio natively and Wyvern automatically mounts a driver disk for virtio if you opt for a Windows OS).

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