We've been receiving a few of the same questions in our help desk lately and decided to start writing some basic tutorials for our clients to make everybody's life a bit easier. It's just starting out right now, but we hope to add more as we start to encounter repeat questions on how to perform various tasks. If you can think of a good tutorial to ... إقرأ المزيد »
You can now access SolusVM via the standard HTTP and HTTPS ports using the following links: http://master.securedragon.nethttps://master.securedragon.net This is in addition to the non-standard, SolusVM defaults: http://master.securedragon.net:5353https://master.securedragon.net:5656 This change was done to allow users behind firewalls/proxies ... إقرأ المزيد »
Sorry it took us so long to get these fixed, the new templates have the glibc patch applied and have been updated. Please let us know if you expeirence any issues with these templates as they have not been fully tested.
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