Tonight we decided to setup an IPv6 tunnel from HE's TunnelBroker service in our Portland, OR location so now all clients in Portland have access to a /64 of tunneled IPv6 connectivity. The added latency is less than 5ms and rDNS is fully functional also. For current clients, you will need to add a random IPv6 address for your /64 subnet to be generated and after that you'll be able to add a custom IPv6 address if you'd like.

Please keep in mind that we have little control over the IPv6 tunnel so support is extremely limited so if you find yourself unable to connect to certain services, ports, or protocols over IPv6 we apologize about this but we are unable to assist you at this time. We are still working with our data center to get native IPv6 online for our services but at this time this is the only workaround we have available so we thank you for your understanding.

NOTE: Traffic over IPv6 is most likely not protected from DDOS attacks like we assumed earlier. We apologize for the mix-up.

-The Secure Dragon Staff

Saturday, June 20, 2015

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