With April Fools behind us we are happy to have a serious announcement that all of our clients will like. As of today we have KernelCare installed on all of our VPS nodes which means no more emergency reboots to fix 0-day exploits. Better uptime is good for you and good for us so we're very happy about this addition to our infrastructure. We were hesitant about using KernelCare in the past due to their delays in releasing patches but the past few months they've really improved and so we're confident in their abilities going forward.

So feel free to rejoice and sleep better at night knowing that there are no more "EMERGENCY REBOOT" announcements with no notice in the future. Unfortunately KernelCare only handles security patches so we will still need to reboot for any bug fixes or enhancements in newer kernels, but those can be scheduled a head of time with plenty of notice.

-The Secure Dragon Staff

יום שבת, אפריל 4, 2015

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