We decided to take the new OpenVZ.org minimal templates for a spin and we're very happy with the results. For our clients who have a 64MB VPS or smaller (we still have a lot of clients with 32MB VPS plans out there), you now have a lot more options!

CentOS 6 32bit - 3MB RAM / 334MB Disk
CentOS 6 64bit - 4MB RAM / 337MB Disk
Debian 6 32bit - 3MB RAM / 222MB Disk
Debian 6 64bit - 3MB RAM / 230MB Disk
Debian 7 32bit - 4MB RAM / 240MB Disk
Debian 7 64bit - 6MB RAM / 244MB Disk
SUSE 13.1 32bit - 5MB RAM / 160MB Disk
Ubuntu 12.04 32bit - 6MB RAM / 169MB Disk
Ubuntu 14.04 32bit - 5MB RAM / 232MB Disk

All of the new minimal templates use 6MB of RAM or less, with the largest disk space usage of only 337MB.*

*We did not test the 64bit minimal templates for SUSE or Ubuntu due to time constraints.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

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