1GB vSwap
25GB Disk Space (HDD RAID10)
1000GB Bandwidth (1Gbps)
4 vCPU Cores (fair share)
1 Dedicated IPv4
1 Dedicated /64 IPv6
Weekly Off-site Backups
Full root Access
Wyvern Control Panel
Over 10Gbps DDOS Protection (over 1.5Mpps)
Order Here
Remember: There are only 20 VPSs available (no limit per client), you cannot increase/decrease resources (including IPs, disk space, RAM, CPU, and bandwidth), and you cannot migrate this to another location. Once these are gone we have no plans on restocking them in the future so get them while they're available.
Happy Holidays from the Secure Dragon staff and have a wonderful new year!
-The Secure Dragon Staff
Sunday, December 27, 2015