We are scheduling a brief outage for our new fl1kvm02 node, that was built last week, for tomorrow (10/22/2015) at 2PM EST assuming the new hardware arrives as planned. The scheduled outage is so that we can upgrade the RAM on the node. We apologize to the clients impacted by this and do not expect any more maintenance going forward for this node.
Start: 10/22/2015 @ 14:00 EST
End Time: 10/22/2015 @ 14:30 EST
Expected Downtime: 15 Minutes

We will be upgrading the amount of RAM in the KVM node because the amount installed is insufficient for our current needs.
We have allotted 30 minutes for this maintenance but we do not expect to utilize the full 30 minutes.

-The Secure Dragon Staff

Szerda, Október 21, 2015

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