On December 9th we received alerts about our website timing out from some locations and before we could contact the data center they sent out a notice about performance issues with their network. Below is the e-mail from our data center:

We are experiencing issues with our Seattle-Portland Transport circuits around 11:45PM (UTC-8) this evening, which affects DDOS protected customers in our Portland facility.
Our transport circuit provider Spectrum networks have investigated and identify the issue leads to their fiber link down between Portland and Seattle, they are working to resolve the issue right now.
While waiting, we have currently deployed a temporary reroute solution to bring most of the affected customer online however some network performance may be degraded at this time.
If you still experience issues please let us know and we will try our best to resolve it until Spectrum network have restore our transport circuits.
Thank you for your patience.

The total length of the degradation was less than 15 minutes (at which time the network was not completely offline, but some packet loss was experienced).

Degradation began: Dec 09 2015 02:45:51 GMT-5.0
Degradation resolved: Dec 09 2015 03:01:13 GMT-5.0

-The Secure Dragon Staff

Mittwoch, Dezember 9, 2015

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