Rebooting fl2bkupovz03 to resolve issues of VPSs not starting.
We've been experiencing intermittent issues of VPSs unable to power on so we're rebooting the server as a troubleshooting step. The server should be back online shortly.
-The Secure Dragon Staff
29th Yan 2021
COMPLETE: Chicago, IL. OpenVZ 7 Conversion
We will be converting our Chicago, IL. OpenVZ 6 server over to OpenVZ 7 on February 5th, 2021. E-mail sent out to clients: We are sending out this e-mail to inform you that we will be converting our OpenVZ 6 node in Chicago, IL. to a new OpenVZ 7 node which will require a small outage for your service(s) in this location. We will begin ... Davamını oxu »
25th Yan 2021