- bash - Used for executing shell scripts (limited to these listed commands).
- cat - Output the contents of a file to your screen.
- cp - Copy a file or folder.
- date - Display the server's date and time .
- du - Show disk usage for the current directory.
- grep - Used to sort/filter file contents or outputs.
- ls - List files/directories in your current directory.
- mkdir - Create a new directory.
- mv - Move or rename a file/directory.
- rm - Remove a file/directory.
- rsync - A tool used for moving files securely and quickly.
- touch - Create a new file.
- vi - Edit a file.
- wc - Count lines, words, or bytes of a file or output.
- wget - Download a publicly accessible file.
Our FTP/rsync Backup services are not designed to be shell accounts so the number of commands available is extremely limited, we focused on only the commands needed to perform backups and manage your storage. Here's a list of the commands available and what they do:
- 3 Korisnici koji smatraju članak korisnim