Fișiere Manuale, programe utile și alte fișiere ce v-ar putea interesa
Biblioteca de documente conține manuale, programe și alte fișiere ce vă pot ajuta la managementul serviciilor contractate.
Examples of common files you might encounter.
Examples of common files you might encounter.
Forms required by us for certain services.
Forms required by us for certain services.
Linux Scripts
Custom scripts written for our services.
Custom scripts written for our services.
Windows Programs
Recommended programs to use with our services.
Recommended programs to use with our services.
Cele mai populare fișiere
PuTTY is a free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Windows and Unix platforms.
Mărime: 444 kB WinSCP
Free SFTP, FTP and SCP client for Windows.
Mărime: 3 MB PuTTYgen
A program to generate SSH keys for PuTTY and OpenSSH.
Mărime: 168 kB CoreFTP
A free, secure FTP client for Windows.
Mărime: 3.36 MB authorized_keys
An example of what the authorized_keys file should look like with different examples.
Mărime: 676 B
PuTTY is a free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Windows and Unix platforms.
Mărime: 444 kB WinSCP
Free SFTP, FTP and SCP client for Windows.
Mărime: 3 MB PuTTYgen
A program to generate SSH keys for PuTTY and OpenSSH.
Mărime: 168 kB CoreFTP
A free, secure FTP client for Windows.
Mărime: 3.36 MB authorized_keys
An example of what the authorized_keys file should look like with different examples.
Mărime: 676 B